Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 Memorial

Today we remember those taken from us on 9/11. Although it has been ten years, for many it feels as though it was just yesterday.

The beauty, if you don't mind, of 9/11 is the outpouring of love to those who lost someone that day, the unity shown amongst US citizens everywhere, and compassion that poured in from countries around the world immediately following the horror. To me the United States felt like one big neighborhood of family members, not spanning a great distance. I believe that was also in part to the strong expression of unity that arose from Manhattans Ground Zero, the Pentagon, and Shanksville that day. A monument of lights beamed where the Twin Towers stood for evenings to follow, giving everyone time to reflect and consider how to move forward. The process of healing has been long and rough for so many. My respect, love and admiration goes out to all the survivors, responders, military and others of 9/11. I look forward to visiting the monument to pay my respects in person when I come home to New York. God bless you all, and God bless America.

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